Work on the Kingfisher is underway

We’re pleased to announce that work to repair the leak on the Kingfisher Pond has begun. Prior to Christmas investigations showed that water was leaking down the right hand side of the sluice and into the drainage pipe which feeds into the Bridge Pond. Unfortunately nothing more could be done immediately after the holiday because of the adverse weather, but now a digger has been brought on site and the work begun.


But it isn’t an easy task for the pipe is 4 metres below the top of the dam. However the position of the leak has been identified and work is underway to seal this prior refilling the hole (below) with clay and re-laying the ‘grasscrete’ blocks on the top of the dam.


As soon as the work is completed the pond will be refilled and stock added. These will be sourced from silver fish in the Carp Pond, from the two stock ponds, and from those transferred from the Kingfisher to Bircliffe Pond prior to draining. This stage of the work will commence with netting the Carp Pond on Sunday 1st March and anyone who is prepared to help, (not just to watch), will be welcome.