As a founder member of the Kilnhurst and District Angling Alliance the club has access to fish the Alliance’s waters on the River Don. Prior to 2017 this included three stretches, two of which belong to the Environment Agency, one immediately below the bridge on the B6090 road between Kilnhurst and Hooton Roberts and a second stretch on the same bank above the bridge, extending from beyond the school playing field upstream to beyond Thrybergh Weir to the junction with the canal. However following numerous problems relating to canoes, cormorants, illegal access and generally very poor fishing and finally because the land owner, the Environment Agency, openly stated that they were not prepaired to offer help or support to overcome these, the Alliance regrettably relinquished its licence to fish these waters.
However the third downstream stretch, which has 30 purpose built recycled platforms, and is accessed from the northern end, over the canal and railway bridge at ‘Croda’, again via a locked gate, and where cars can be parked on the bank behind the pegs, will remain in the control of the Alliance. This stretch thankfully does not belong to the Environment Agency.

All K&DAA waters on the river are non-navigable so boats are not a problem.
The river is available for match bookings, ring Ray Howitt, 01709 585014 for details.